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Teeth Extraction/ Impaction

An impacted tooth is a tooth that has not erupted (emerged fully into the oral cavity).


Partially surrounded by bone (partial bony impaction)

Only surrounded by soft gum tissue (a soft tissue impaction)

Traditionally, the term impacted teeth usually refer to the wisdom teeth (the third molars, the teeth furthest back in the mouth).

Many times if they appear to be causing no problems for the patient, they are left alone. If they are positioned in a fashion that they appear to be pushing up against the roots of the second molars (the next teeth forward) or if they are causing periodontal (gum) problems, they will need to be removed. While most general dentists are comfortable removing teeth, patients with impacted teeth are usually referred to a specialist (oral surgeon) for their removal.

Informed Consent for Tooth Impaction

The procedures done in the undergraduate clinic include extraction of teeth. These procedures require anesthesia. The anesthesia could be a local anesthesia, local anesthesia with oral premedication, and local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, general anesthesia with local anesthesia. (The following is a discussion of the risks and benefits) of extraction.

Extraction Of Teeth: The extraction of teeth is an irreversible procedure. Following extractions, teeth may shift and alter your bite. Therefore, prosthetic replacement is advisable. The possible alternative to extraction (if any may include root canal therapy, periodontics (gum treatment), crowns or fillings. Nevertheless, the following is information on the risks and benefits of these alternatives.

Possible Risks:

There are certain inherent and potential risks in any treatment plan or procedures; such operative risks include the following:

  • Postoperative discomfort, swelling in the surgical area, difficulty in opening your mouth and/or discoloration of your face that may necessitate home recuperation over the following 3-6 days.
  • There may be some oozing for at least twenty-four hours after surgery. Biting with pressure on gauze will assist to control the bleeding. Heavy bleeding may require an additional visit for control.
  • Dry socket (loss of blood clot from extraction site)
  • After surgery, you may possibly experience some numbness or unusual sensation of your lower lip and/or chin and/or tongue, for a varying period of time, anywhere from six weeks to several months. In addition, the loss of taste may occur. It will gradually resolve. Although highly unlikely, permanent numbness or loss of taste are possibilities.
  • With the extraction of teeth, restorations or crowns on adjacent teeth may become chipped or loosened. Neighbouring teeth may also become loosened, less stable or shift after extraction.
  • Stretching of the corners of your mouth can result in cracking and bruising.
  • In the removal of upper teeth, sinus problems and opening into me sinus (a normal cavity above the upper teeth) may occur. Soft tissue closure may be necessary.
  • During surgery, your mouth will remain open for an extended period of time. Afterwards, you may experience pain and discomfort in your temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

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