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Dental| Tooth Implant - Procedure, Types, Single, Full -mouth cost in details




A dental implant is a tooth replacement procedure that involves surgically placing a metal post (implant) into the jawbone to serve as an artificial root.

This post integrates with the surrounding bone and provides a stable foundation for a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

The implant is typically made of titanium, a biocompatible material that promotes osseointegration (process of the implant post fusing with the surrounding jawbone).

 Dental implants are considered a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth, providing improved aesthetics, functionality, and durability compared to other tooth replacement options.


Treatment under Dr Seby Varghese ⭐INERNATIONAL AWARD-WINNING⭐Dentist at Facets , Kerala. 

Check out his Linkedin  

For an immediate 2 MINS.... ON CALL CONSULTATIONS & to get a detail idea about your procedure DIAL NOW @9020160160 

You will be under guidance by the team of best IMPLANTOLOGISTS, Above 25 years of experience in "God's own Country" 


"Dr. Seby Varghese, our renowned celebrity dentist, has achieved remarkable success throughout his career, marked by clinical expertise, patient satisfaction, awards, educational contributions, community engagement, and a commitment to dental innovation".




At Facets Dental Clinic in Kochi, Kerala, dental implants are offered as a tooth replacement procedure.

We take pride in proclaiming that Facets Dental Clinic in Kochi is recognized as one of the best dental implant clinics, under the leadership of Dr. Seby Varghese, a distinguished recipient of multiple global awards

The implant procedure involves multiple steps and is typically carried out over a few months.


Initial Consultation:

Our Dentist examines your oral health, discusses your treatment goals, and takes dental impressions and X-rays to assess your jawbone structure.

Treatment Planning:

Our Dentist will discuss the number of implants you require, the type of restoration (crown, bridge, or denture), and the overall treatment time frame.

Implant Placement:

Our Dentist administers local anesthesia to ensure a comfortable experience.

A small incision is made in the gum tissue, and a titanium implant is inserted into the jawbone. The incision is then closed with sutures.

Implant Fixation to Jawbone:

The implant naturally heals & fuses with the jawbone.

It typically takes 2-3 months for the implant to integrate fully and become a stable anchor.

Abutment Placement:

A minor procedure is performed to attach an abutment to the implant.

The abutment serves as a connector between the implant and the final crown/bridge/denture.

Crown/Bridge/Denture Placement:

Finally, the Crown, Bridge, or Denture is custom-made to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth.

It is securely attached to the abutment, providing a natural-looking and functional replacement for your missing tooth/teeth.





Single Tooth Implant:

A type of tooth implant used to replace a single missing tooth.

A custom-made dental crown is attached to the tooth implant.

Implant-Supported Bridge:

This is used when multiple nearby teeth are missing.

Instead of using individual dental implants for each missing tooth, a bridge is created with two or more implants supporting it.

 Implant-Supported Dentures:

These are used when a patient is missing all of their teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.

 Multiple implants are placed strategically in the jawbone, and a denture is secured onto the implants using special attachments or snaps.

 All-on-4 Implants:

The All-on-4 implant technique is used to restore an entire arch of missing teeth with just four implants. A fixed denture or bridge is then attached to the implants.






Looks Natural

Designed to mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth, improving the overall appearance of your smile.

Greater Functionality

Tooth Implants restore full chewing power, allowing you to eat a wide variety of food without difficulty.


Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are fixed in place and do not require adhesives or removal for cleaning.

Maintains Shape of Jawbone

Implants stimulate the jawbone just like natural tooth roots. This helps to prevent bone loss and preserve the natural shape and structure of the jaw, even in case of full mouth dental implant. To get an estimate of Full mouth dental implant cost in Kochi, Kerala Call us Now@ 9020160160. [On CALL 2 MINS CONSULTATION] & get a personalized plan for you from our 25+ years of experts implantologist's tem. 

Maintains Shape of Jawbone

Implants stimulate the jawbone just like natural tooth roots. This helps to prevent bone loss and preserve the natural shape and structure of the jaw.

Lasts a Lifetime!

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. They are highly durable and resistant to decay.


Minor Surgical Procedure

Dental implant procedure requires a minor surgery, which may involve some discomfort, swelling, and healing time.


Tooth implants tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to other tooth replacement procedures considering their longevity and benefits.

Not Suitable for High Risk Patients

Medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or immune system & bleeding disorders, may affect the success of dental implants.

Waiting Time Required

The complete restoration of missing teeth may require multiple visits to the dentist and some patience. About 2-3 months of waiting period is required before placing the final crown/bridge/denture.

Bone Loss or Insufficient Bone

Some patients may have inadequate jawbone density or bone loss, making it challenging to place dental implants. Additional procedures such as bone grafting may be required to augment the bone volume before implant placement.




An estimate of a dental implant cost in Kochi, Kerala can range between INR 30k to 60k per tooth. Cost can be more depending on (your sdditionsl needs)  , it is recommended to consult with your dental implant dentist. You can also Call us@ 9020160160, & get an budget idea according to your needs [immediately, On 2 MIN ON CALL]

Renowned for its excellence in dental care, Facets stands as one of the best dental implant clinics in Kochi, led by the esteemed Dr. Seby Varghese, an ⭐INTERNATIONAL AWARD-WINNING⭐ dentist hailing from Kerala.

The team of our implantologist is headed by one of the best dental implant dentist, Dr. Sreeja Aravind, with her 15+ years of expertise, under the guidance of Dr Seby with 25+ years of expertise. 

Dental implant cost in Kochi, Kerala can vary depending on various factors like the number of dental implants required, the experience of the dentist, the type of restoration (crown, bridge, denture), and any additional procedures needed.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Dental Implants in Kerala:

Implant Material:

The material used for dental implants has an important role in determining the cost. Titanium implants are more common due to their durability and biocompatibility, while zirconia implants are an aesthetic alternative that tends to be more expensive.

Implant Manufacturer:
The choice of implant brand or manufacturer will affect the cost. Well-established brands often come with higher price tags due to their reputation for quality.

Clinic Location:
Dental clinics in Kerala's major cities like Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram may charge more for their services compared to clinics in smaller towns or rural areas.

Implant Specialist:
The expertise and experience of the implant specialist can impact the cost. Highly skilled and experienced implantologists often charge more for their services.

Number of Implants:
The number of implants required will naturally affect the overall cost. Full-mouth restorations or multiple implants will be more expensive than a single implant.

Pre-implant Procedures:
Additional procedures like bone grafting or sinus lifts, which may be necessary to ensure the success of the implant, can increase the cost.

Post-Operative Care:
Follow-up appointments, maintenance, and any potential complications can contribute to the overall cost.

Initial Investment vs. Long-Term Benefits:
While the initial cost of dental implants in Kerala may seem substantial, it's essential to consider the long-term benefits and return on investment (ROI) that this dental solution offers.

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care. Unlike dentures or bridges, which may need replacement every few years, implants provide a cost-effective, long-term solution.

Improved Quality of Life:
Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They enable individuals to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Oral Health:
Dental implants help maintain the health of adjacent teeth and prevent bone loss in the jaw, which can lead to further dental problems and costly treatments down the road.

Aesthetic Appeal:
Dental implants provide a natural appearance, improving self-esteem and social interactions. This psychological boost can be priceless for many individuals.

Cost Savings:
Over time, the need for adjustments and replacements that often accompany other dental solutions can outweigh the initial cost of implants.

The cost of dental implants in Kerala can differ based on numerous factors, but the long-term benefits make them a valuable investment.
They not only restore dental function and aesthetics but also offer lasting oral health benefits.
Investing in dental implants can be a wise decision that pays off in terms of both oral health and quality of life.
To know more about dental implants provided at Facets Dental Clinic, please contact us on 9020160160.



The cost of a single tooth implant in Kerala can differ widely, but it usually falls within the range of Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 60,000 per implant.

This can seem quite high to many people, but there are numerous reasons why dental implants are considered expensive.

Increased Material Cost:
One of the main reasons for the high cost of dental implants is the quality of materials used. Dental implants are made of medical-grade titanium, which is a biocompatible material that fuses well with the jawbone. This material is expensive to manufacture and is known for its durability and longevity.

Highly Trained Dentists:
Dentists who perform implant surgery require specialized training and expertise. They invest significant time and resources into acquiring the necessary skills to ensure the success of your procedure. This expertise comes at a cost, which is reflected in the overall price of the implant.

Minor Surgical Procedure:
Dental implant placement is a minor surgical procedure that often involves several steps. It requires sterile conditions, specialized instruments, and sometimes the use of advanced technologies like 3D imaging for precise placement.

Dental implants are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each implant should be customized to fit the unique needs of the patient, including the size and shape of the implant. This personalization adds to the cost.

Labor Costs:
The dental team involved in the implant procedure, including the oral surgeon, restorative dentist, and dental laboratory technicians, all contribute to the overall cost. Skilled professionals need to work together to ensure the implant's success.

Follow-up Care:
After the implant surgery, patients require regular follow-up care to monitor the healing of the implant site and ensure the implant fuses properly with the jawbone. These follow-up appointments are included in the overall cost.

Quality Assurance:
Reputable dental practices invest in quality assurance measures to minimize the risk of complications and ensure the longevity of the implant. This includes using the best materials, maintaining strict hygiene standards, and adhering to safety protocols.

Regulatory Compliance:
Dental practices must comply with various regulations and standards to ensure patient safety. These include sterilization protocols, licensing fees, and insurance costs, which contribute to the overall expenses.

Geographic Location:
The cost of dental services, including implants, can differ from one area to another. In areas with higher living costs, such as urban cities, prices tend to be higher.

While dental implants may seem expensive, they are a long-term investment in oral health and overall well-being, providing a durable and functional replacement for a missing tooth.

You should consult with your dentist to understand the specific costs and benefits associated with dental implants in your area.


Full mouth dental implants, also known as full mouth rehabilitation or full mouth reconstruction, are combined dental procedures designed to replace all of a patient's missing or failing teeth with dental implants and other dental prosthesis.

In Kerala, the cost of full mouth dental implants typically ranges from Rs. 3L to Rs. 5L or even higher, depending on several factors.
The major factors influencing the cost of dental implants in Kerala are the type of dental prosthesis you choose and the number of implants required for your full mouth rehabilitation.

Types of Full Mouth Implant Prosthesis:

All-on-4 or All-on-6 Implants:
These are implant-supported prostheses that use either four or six dental implants to support a fixed full arch bridge in the upper or lower jaw.

In this approach, a full arch bridge is securely anchored to multiple dental implants. It provides a permanent, non-removable solution that closely resembles natural teeth.

All-on-4 or All-on-6 prostheses provide stable and functional teeth replacements.

Implant-Supported Dentures:
This option involves placing several dental implants in the jaw to anchor a removable or fixed denture.

Implant-supported dentures offer improved stability compared to traditional removable dentures.

Fixed Dental Bridges* This "bridge" consists of one or more artificial teeth attached to crowns, which are like caps for the neighboring teeth/implants. These neighboring teeth or dental implants serve as supports or "pillars" to hold the artificial teeth in place.
Once the bridge is installed, it doesn't come out like dentures. It's fixed in your mouth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile just like you would with your natural teeth. Think of it as a reliable and permanent solution to fill the gap in your smile.

Dentures* Dentures are artificial teeth and gums that replace missing natural teeth. They're made to fit your teeth and mouth precisely and can be taken out and put back in.

All-on-4* This means all your new teeth (a full set) are supported by just 4 dental implants. It's like building a sturdy table with four strong legs. It's a simpler and often more cost-effective way to replace a whole set of teeth.

All-on-6* Here, you have 6 dental implants holding your new set of teeth. This can provide extra stability and support compared to All-on-4. It's like having a table with six legs instead of four – even more secure and steady, but definitely more expensive than All-on-4 implants.

Dental Prosthesis* A dental prosthesis is a custom-made artificial replacement for your missing or damaged tooth or teeth. It's made by a dentist to fit your mouth perfectly and can be either a denture (removable) or a fixed bridge or crown (permanent). This prosthesis helps you eat, speak, and smile comfortably when you have damaged or missing teeth.

Factors Influencing  Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost in Kerala:

Type of Prosthesis:
Your choice of dental prosthesis significantly affects the overall cost of dental implants.
All-on-4 or All-on-6 fixed/removable dentures tend to be more cost-effective compared to All-on-4 or All-on-6 fixed dental bridges. This is due to the difference in type of material and labour required, also fixed dental bridges are not removable and more natural looking than dentures.

Number of Implants:
The number of implants needed for full mouth rehabilitation varies depending on the patient's specific oral condition and the chosen prosthesis. More the number of implants required, higher the cost of dental implants in Kerala.

Material Quality:
The cost of dental implants in Kerala can also vary based on the quality of materials used for the prosthetic teeth and the implants themselves. Higher the quality of materials, more the cost of dental implant treatment.

Implant Brand:
The brand of dental implants used can affect the cost of dental implants in Kerala. Some brands are more expensive due to their reputation for durability and longevity.

Surgical Complexity:
If a patient's oral condition requires additional procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lifts to prepare the jawbone for implant placement, this can add to the overall cost of dental implants in Kerala.

Dental Expertise:
The skill and experience of the oral surgeon and restorative dentist performing the procedure can influence the cost of dental implants in Kerala. Highly experienced professionals will definitely charge more fees.

The geographic location of the dental clinic can also play a major role in pricing. Urban cities often have higher living costs, which can be reflected in dental implant costs.

Additional Treatments:
Full mouth rehabilitation may involve other treatments such as tooth removal, gum therapy, or preliminary orthodontic work, all of which can contribute to the overall cost.

The chosen treatment should be based on the patient's oral health needs, functional requirements, and budget considerations. Ultimately, while full mouth dental implants may have a significant upfront cost, they can provide a durable, long-lasting solution for individuals seeking to restore their oral health and quality of life.


The dental implant fuses with the surrounding bone, providing stimulation and preventing bone loss. 

The implant stimulates the jawbone just like a natural tooth root would, helping to preserve the bone density and structure.

Maintain proper oral hygiene and have regular as suggested by your dentists, dental check-ups for healthy gums and bone around the dental implant.

In case of poor oral hygiene, an infection develops around the implant site.

It can lead to inflammation and bone loss around the implant.

With good oral care and regular professional cleanings, these risks can be minimized, and the long-term success of dental implants can be maintained easily.



The choice between dental bridges and dental implants depends on individual circumstances, and it is not accurate to categorically say that one is better than the other. Both options have their advantages and considerations.

If you want to know in your case, which is suitable get a FREE On CALL 2 MINS CONSULTATION @9020160160 from our expert implantologist team. (You might be asked to send your photoes over whatsapp, for the accuracy) Or you can dirrectly reach us out at Whatsapp @7025562556 

The best option for you depends on factors such as the number and location of missing teeth, the health of your jawbone, your health condition, your budget and your personal preferences.



  • Longevity



 Long-lasting and durable solution.

They can last a Lifetime!



The lifespan of a bridge is typically shorter compared to implants.



  • Cost



Higher upfront cost compared to other options.



Lower upfront cost compared to implants.


  • Treatment Duration


Longer treatment time, as the implant needs time to fuse with the jawbone.



Faster treatment time compared to implants, as it doesn't need time to fuse with the jawbone.



  • Comfortability



Requires a Minor Surgical Procedure



Less Invasive procedure than Dental Implants, no surgeries required.



  • Bone Loss



Stimulates the jawbone, helping to prevent bone loss.



Does not stimulate the jawbone, which may lead to bone loss over time.


  • Support From Nearby Healthy Teeth



Does not rely on adjacent teeth for support.


The integrity of the bridge relies on the health and stability of supporting teeth.







The area around the implant site is typically numbed to minimize any discomfort during the surgery. But, it's normal to experience some mild discomfort and soreness after the anesthesia wears off.

You may also experience some swelling and bruising around the implant site, but these symptoms usually subside If you follow your dentist's post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and minimize any potential discomfort.

In some cases pain might last a bit longer. Little pain after implant is natural. Make sure you choose a best dental implant clinic, with EXPERIENCED implatologists to take care & heal your tooth pain as soon as possible. 

You can also connect with us, before you can have a glance with our INTERNATIONAL AWARD-WINNER DENTIST- DR SEBY VARGHESE

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Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even a full arch of teeth.

The number of teeth that can be replaced with dental implants depends on several  factors, like the individual's oral health, the condition of the remaining natural teeth, and the available bone structure in the jaw.


The majority of dental implants are successful, with success rates typically exceeding 95%. The success rate depends on individual cases.

 Also, regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene practices, and adherence to the dentist's instructions are crucial to maintain the long-term success of dental implants.

 Dental implant failure can occur due to various factors:


An infection of the tissues surrounding the implant, similar to gum disease. If not properly treated, peri-implantitis can lead to bone loss and implant failure.

    2. Poor oral hygiene:

Inadequate oral hygiene can contribute to the development of peri-implantitis or other complications that may lead to implant failure.


Smoking has been associated with an increased risk of implant failure due to its negative impact on oral health and the healing process.

  4.Systemic health factors:

Certain systemic health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes, immune disorders & bleeding disorders can affect the success of dental implants.

  5.Insufficient bone support:

For an implant to be successful, there must be enough bone in the jaw to support it. If there is insufficient bone, the implant may not fuse properly and may fail over time.




Dental implants have the potential to last for several decades or even a lifetime.

The lifespan of dental implants can vary depending on your oral health, oral hygiene practices, overall health, and the location of the implant in your mouth.

With proper care and maintenance, 

Most of the studies have reported high long-term success rates for dental implants, with success rates exceeding 95% over a 10-year period.

Dental implants are considered one of the most durable and reliable solutions for tooth replacement.


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